1953: John Fass Photographs the American West
Above: John Fass in California in 1953, at age 63.
John Fass somehow always seemed to look at least 10 years younger than his actual age. Jackson Burke described his appearance in a 1962 article "The Hammer Creek Press of John S. Fass."
Burke wrote, "He is a slight man of medium height whose hair seems prematurely white because it caps an unlined, young and serene countenance. His eyes are active, glowing and more than slightly amused. His mind and wit are quick and his conversation is nimble. He has many good friends because he is himself a good friend. He doesn't look like a turtle at all." (A reference to John's turtle logo for his Hammer Creek Press.)
John loved to travel. His expeditions included Europe, the Caribbean, the American West, and elsewhere. John vacationed in the American West in 1946 and again in 1953. These Kodachrome transparencies are from his 1953 travels. He was "just rambling around out here for a short vacation" as he described it in a postcard to John DePol.
Above: Cable car tracks in San Francisco
Above: Golden Nugget Gambling Hall
Above: Platters
Above: Will Rogers' home
Above: Will Rogers' home
Above: Gentlemen Prefer Blondes with Marilyn Monroe and Jane Russell
Above: Jane Russell and Marilyn Monroe at Grauman's Chinese Theater
Above: Tree on cliff in Jasper Park
Above: Santa Fe jewelry
Above: At Santa Fe, New Mexico
Above: Garden of the Gods, Colorado
Above: Maligne Lake, Rocky Mountains
Above: Forest in Yosemite